A Day In The Life Of A Healthy Senior

healthy eating

Oh for the days of youth! When we were children, rarely did we think about health and fitness. Unless we got seriously ill, we lived without a care in the world. We ate junk food, played video games for hours on end, and drank soda pops at midnight. And the best thing? We never had to pay for it. Our bodies were in superb condition no matter what we put them through!

As we get older, our thoughts invariably switch to our health. We realize that we simply cannot sustain a life of indulgence if we want to extend our life expectancy while being free of debilitating conditions, such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Instead, we have to get active and we have to keep fit.

For seniors, a healthy lifestyle is super important. Physical activity helps seniors to stay energetic, healthy, and – most important of all – independent.

While all too many seniors spend at least 10 hours + sitting or lying down each day, healthy seniors are making the most of their time by staying active. If you’re a little concerned by you own sedentary lifestyle, let’s take a look at a day in the life of a healthy senior. It might just inspire you.

Start The Day With A Hearty Breakfast
Your typical healthy senior doesn’t spend too many hours in bed; they rise early, and they always eat a nutritious breakfast.
Seniors are at a high risk of malnutrition, primarily because their absorption efficiency has decreased. Healthy seniors stay in good health by eating an easy-to-prepare breakfast that is inexpensive and rich in fiber, such as oatmeal, eggs, or soft fresh fruits.

Do A Puzzle Before Lunch
As we get older, our reflexes and senses change. Moreover, our brain cells become damaged over time, leading to debilitating conditions, such as dementia, while our ability to think logically can become impaired.
Healthy seniors know that it’s important that they keep their brains alert and active. For this reason, you will often find them doing a puzzle – such as a crossword or a jigsaw – before lunch. These kinds of puzzles tighten concentration and alertness, improve memory, and sharpen brain function.

Go To An Aerobics Class
A decline in our body’s ability to function is a natural consequence of ageing, but it is possible to slow down this process by engaging in physical activity.

Healthy seniors are active in their community, and they enjoy taking a trip to their local aerobics class in the afternoon. Here, they will indulge in moderate activity, such as bike riding, weight training, swimming, or even water aerobics.

Cook Up A Healthy Dinner
As we get older, our diet increases in importance. A good diet can reduce our risk of developing diseases and illnesses, and it can make us more energetic and mentally sharp.
Healthy seniors don’t just eat healthily – they also cook. They know that a balanced diet is key and, taking their cues from Mediterranean diets, they eat what their body needs: Fruit, vegetables, calcium, grains, protein – and a dash of red wine.

Time For An Evening Power-Walk
Walking is a great way to break up your sedentary time. Although popping to the shops doesn’t really help you get healthy, it is at least something.

Healthy seniors, though, know the true value of walking, and they aim to walk for at least 30 minutes each day.
The key is to walk fast, as this provides you with a moderate-intensity aerobic activity, which is what is needed. Although an evening stroll is okay, an evening power-walk is much more productive.